OUR main product is the HAM (hams from italian white and black pigs and from Iberian black races), which are sliced mainly by hand (this way conveys the full flavors of the products); but also with a slicing machine, according to our customer preferences. In addition we can offer a wide gama of traditional cured meats from Italy, some of them from organic production. Our buffet display is innovative, neat and clean, surprising the eye and delighting the palate.

Our buffet compositions, be them for private people or for business companies, exell thanks to their up to date choreography and professional skilled workers.
Speaking about our cheese sortment we privilege the products of just one producer, based on the hills north of Verona, sourcing the milk even from the mountains. This region has given the birth to the Monte Veronese cheese, with Denomination of Origin, similar to Asiago Cheese, but produced in smaller quantities, that is why less famous, but not less in value. It dates back to the XII century. Beside this cheese we have in stock ewe and goat milk cheeses, either in their natural appearance or matured in local wine, in hay or even local beer. Some top quality cheese from abroad (France, UK,Spain) are also in stock.
We can reckon also with typical cured meat products, such as local hams, salami and pigs neck.
La nostra offerta di catering è centrata sul prodotto PROSCIUTTO (sia prosciutti di maiale bianco che di maiale nero, italiani o spagnoli), affettato a coltello o a macchina, secondo le richieste del cliente. Siamo comunque aperti anche ad una offerta più ampia, che comprenda i più conosciuti e apprezzati salumi della tradizione italiana, ed in particolare veneta. I nostri allestimenti, per privati o aziende, spiccano per la modernità delle coreografie e per la professionalità del personale. I nostri punti di eccellenza sono la materia prima (per quanto riguarda i salumi privilegiamo prodotti del maiale nero, italiano e spagnolo, e abbiamo la possibilità di offrire un'ampia gamma di prodotti certificati BIOLOGICI)

Our buffet compositions, be them for private people or for business companies, exell thanks to their up to date choreography and professional skilled workers.
Speaking about our cheese sortment we privilege the products of just one producer, based on the hills north of Verona, sourcing the milk even from the mountains. This region has given the birth to the Monte Veronese cheese, with Denomination of Origin, similar to Asiago Cheese, but produced in smaller quantities, that is why less famous, but not less in value. It dates back to the XII year hundred. Beside this cheese we have in stock ewe and goat milk cheeses, either in their natural appearance or matured in local wine, in hay or even local beer. Some top quality cheese from abroad (France, UK,Spain) are also in stock.
We can reckon also with typical cured meat products, such as local hams, salami and pigs neck.